wired for sound

Friday, May 26, 2006


Audio Arts

This week we recorded Jodie O'Regan singing. Here is the result.


Creative Computing

Still going through Pro Tools. Good for a laugh. I still find myself frustrated at what I perceive to be faults with Pro Tools. But we'll get there.

No Workshop - although I did meet the girl who is going to move into my house and be my new housemate. She seems nice, and hopefully neat.

I just made this word up and looked for photos - it's a photo of Ghorak Manor.


It would be interesting to talk more to Stephen about Vocoding and Distributed Musical Performance. I'm not sure if I see this as the 'future of music', where instead of us going to a concert hall, we sit at home and watch / listen from our PCs. Is this the future? I wonder?

I like the idea of collective dislocation performances. Even having the audience somewhere totally separate to all the performers.

Will people have to subscribe to listen to the performances on line?


I performed last night at Tyndall - it went well. Rushed for time, no rehearsal or soundcheck and dodgy bouncing down to 4 tracks led to some of the channels being excluded due to human error.

Anyways, here is a link to the track



At 11:29 pm, Blogger weimer said...

hey man,
dont be too harsh on yourself regarding the performance the other day- for a first show it was really quite deep and emotional. particularly with all the unfortuante technical difficulties that went down. everyone was throughly impressed, and had right to be. the combination of ancient prayers, football commentary, opera singing and so on, made for a one cool track. my suggestion, would be to up the delay on your "bongos" (not that they they're bongos) for take 2. and maybe think of a better mic configuration for them. im sure with a bit more rehearsal that songs going melt some minds, especially over in that belgium competition.


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