wired for sound

Sunday, April 30, 2006



I think Seb's idea is pretty cool. However when it came to actually participate in Milkcrate I bailed. I couldn't handle the idea of being locked in room to make music for 24 hours. My attention span is not that good. I would be up for maybe 12 hours or 6. The idea of a matchbox is even more intriguing.


I really struggle to understand most of the music that we have listened to in the workshop. I find it completely inaccessible and in short, annoying. I am concerned that in studying music tech that I'm going to end up making music that I can't stand listening to. What is wrong with these composers? I can appreciate exploring sounds and how they interact, but I want music to make me feel good, not want to head butt the wall!

Audio Arts

I'm a bit confused with our project for this semester. It seems we have to jump from a radio signal up to recording and mixing a whole band. Doesn't anyone think that's a bit of a fastforward? I guess it will be interesting none the less? I don't have too much interest in recording bands or working in a studio in that manner so I'm going to have to fire up to actually do it.

Creative Communication

The music concrete project we have to do is up there with all the stuff we have been subjected to in the workshop. I don't like music concrete. I don't want to have to make a music concrete piece. But I did find an interesting sample in the toilet of Barr Smith that I'm going to sample for it. I was thinking too of something in a stair well of Schulz.


At 9:02 am, Blogger Sebastian Tomczak said...

>>My attention span is not that good. I would be up for maybe 12 hours or 6.

I myself have never done a milkcrate without sleep. I usually get about 20 mins to 35 mins of sleep per session.

However, some other people can go without sleep completely.

And some NEED to get their 6 or 8 hours, even in a milkcrate. It is not uncommon.

So yeah...

At 12:40 pm, Blogger Ben said...

I'm not too keen on the whole music concrete thing either, but we can use naturally occurring rhythms which I think would be fun to find. I was thinking that if you find something that runs rhythmically then it can be maipulated into a musical rhythm, like digitally slowing down an oscillating toothbrush. Wait, that's a great idea! Forget I said anything.


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